AI and Organizational Change — How This Technology is Changing it All

Kevin Smith
4 min readFeb 8, 2021


The more we say about Artificial Intelligence as a technology and the impact it has been making in the world today, the less we will be able to justify its impact on our lives.

AI and machine learning solutions provider

Recent statistics on Oberlo show that about 54% of business executives admit that the incorporation of AI within the workplace has increased their overall productivity. To add to it, a very sizeable 15% of global customer interactions would be entirely completed through AI by the year 2021. Compared to 2017, it will be a 400% increase, and that’s huge.

The pace of AI and machine learning development services in giving a profile to businesses has been pretty healthy, if not too quick. The little slack can be accredited to the higher costs that come associated with the application of AI in the organization.

All that is under change now, where the related technologies enabling AI, like development platforms, better processing capabilities, and data storage are becoming more economical as we speak. The time is surely right for companies to take AI into the loop.

A Little Insight

Because data storage and processing power are now becoming affordable for companies, new opportunities are constantly opening up to change the ways of organizational operations. With the application of AI, it has become easier than ever to figure out a pattern and derive sensible insights from the collected data for better decision-making.

Artificial Intelligence is already being used extensively by businesses for better customer management, detection of fraud, and other security issues as well.

Driving Organizational Change with AI

To utilize the power and prowess of AI fully, it is very important to club different AI implementations with the change management programs in your company. In fact, a number of AI application development services are focusing on developing solutions that make this transformation seamless and harmonious.

There are no two ways that as a technology, AI ensures efficiency, productivity, and enviable levels of engagement. However, stakeholders play a big role in the continued survival of a company and any kind of change in the flow involves delivering them a complete understanding of what exactly is changing.

How to Make this Shift Correctly?

There are a lot of management leaders in companies that consider AI as a technology that generates results as soon as it gets implemented. With this in their minds, they put in a lot of money to develop the right kind of infrastructure, AI tools, and onboarding the right data experts in the process.

By no means this is wrong, but it’s a narrow approach to bring AI in the organization. Yes, technology and skills are absolutely important elements in a company, but they need to be aligned properly with the culture, structure, and manner of operations to ensure better adoption of AI in the organization.

Right Education is Critical for Better Adoption

To bring a smooth switch into AI, the right kind of learning needs to be delivered to the stakeholders before anything concrete takes shape.

Not into a lot of details, but a generic awareness about the value AI will bring to the company as technology can also help. This will set clear expectations for everyone about how AI will work as a technology within the company.

It’s important to note that this education is not just limited to external stakeholders, but should also extend to the administrative personnel within the organization as well.

Through such initiatives, it becomes pretty easy to eliminate any kind of misconception that might occur with bringing AI into the company. The simplest reason to do this is that AI is a future-oriented technology, and incorporating something this advanced can be met with a lot of intimidation too, which can put a stop to it even before it starts.

AI Brings Better Decision-Making to the Table

Keeping up with changing trends in technology is pretty important for staying relevant with the competition, and AI is an integral part of making this change ahead. The speed with which AI and machine learning development services are becoming more dominant speaks volumes about the ‘AI force’.

It goes without saying that AI will bring in huge disruptions to existing business models, and even prove to be the driving force behind the creation of new models as well. Better communication, better data analysis, and quicker decision-making are some of the many functions that will improve dramatically with AI.

Despite all this, keeping the human interference into it all will always be important. By no means this interference translates to something negative, but the perfect ally to better deployment of different AI measures.

Planning and Creating Better Deployment Structures

Creating better structures for the adoption of AI within the organization is very important to make the entire process smooth and without hiccups. With a proper adoption structure, things can be implemented gradually and not in a single burst.

For instance, AI modules can be first implemented in the departments where there is already a lot of technical awareness about the know-how of AI. The transition and adoption both will be smoother in this case. This department can then rate AI highly, motivating the others to follow suit.

Even before rolling a module out, the initial testing itself can give a lot of feedback about the overall employee reaction to AI implementation. To add to it, gradually accepting AI as a technology can be more of a learning experience than just throwing it around in the entire organization.

Final Thoughts

If a company has to realize the true power and potential of AI, it should be a unanimous agreement within the entire organization. If you are looking for something amazing based on this sophisticated piece of technology, do connect with Consagous Technologies, a well-known AI and machine learning solutions provider that’s backed with a lot of experience in the domain.

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